Hybrid Walk & Talk
Screen Fatigue is real, but so is social isolation. Connect a hybrid or remote team by encouraging regular “walk and talk” meetings, whether that’s IRL or on a voice-only call.

Template Details
Templates make it easy to launch new Donut channels in Slack with just a few clicks.
Channel Presets
• Intros every 2weeks
• Groups of 2
The presets are recommendations, and the channel settings are fully customizable.
•Team building for remote and hybrid teams
• Strengthens employee engagement
• Slack intros to randomly connect team members
Explore Related Templates
Try Hybrid Walk & Talk or explore other hybrid work-friendly templates.
Lunch & Learns for Hybrid Teams
Let people show off their skills and teach the team.
Weekly Wins for Hybrid Teams
Gather with a new group every week to celebrate each other's personal & professional wins.
Wellness Lottery
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